Week Four: Post OP
I will never stopped being amazed at how good and efficient the human body can be when it comes to healing itself. Just four weeks ago today, I was under the knife and being cut and trimmed. 10lbs of skin and over 100 sutures later I was laid up and quite out of my mind in a hospital bed. Now, I'd hazard to say I'm doing really quite well when it comes to my recovery. This has been the first week where I would say that I really feel like myself and my strength is returning finally. Being able to pick things up from the ground, carrying a 24-pack of soda, or just walking around a store for a bit are things you quickly miss when you can't do them anymore. This week I had my last JP drain out and a checkup where the surgeon said the scarring is looking good and there is good early signs of nice body contouring. He wants me to start walking more and getting active in moving around, it pains a bit after a while of being on my feet but I understand it's good for recove